Platinum Medal in Innovation
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The Platinum level is reserved for individuals who set the example for other individuals related to their actual use of an innovative system. These individuals, who will often have a number of patents released under their name, will have been personally involved in financing, marketing, and sales for the unique and creative ideas that they develop.
The Platinum Medal is given as a result of the individual convincing the governing board that they are a true leader in the innovative systems related to their products and profitability. Successful innovative projects result in adding value to both the external customer and the organization.
These individuals represent the highest level of innovation in the world and serve as an example for other inventors, entrepreneurs, and innovators. They should have presented a paper on innovation and have an article related to innovation published in major magazines. A Platinum Medal in Innovation is awarded to individuals certified by Harrington Management System as being qualified to instruct individuals for the four Harrington Management System medals in Innovation.
Workshop and Certification Combined: $1,100 per participant
Workshop Only: $1,000 per participant
Certification Only: $100 per participant
The following discount applies to each of the classes:
Participants must pass the exam and attend 80% of the class hours and complete three of the homework assignments to become certified.
Challenge the Class – Participants do not have to take the training from Harrington Management Systems. A participant can take the test and acquire the additional experience required in the certification evaluation.